I recently met Chrissy Plaugher and was immediately impressed by her depth of knowledge around yoga. When someone can talk about their teachers’ teacher it usually causes my ears to perk up. It...
Physical Therapy
Mobility versus Flexibility- What’s the Difference? By Dr. Chelsea Walter
Mobility versus flexibility- what’s the difference? If you’ve spent any time exercising or even doing housework, you have experienced the importance of mobility without even realizing it. You were...
How Pilates Builds Self-Awareness
How Pilates Builds Self-Awareness For nearly a decade I have relied on Pilates based exercises to help teach my patients about their bodies. My interest in Pilates started way back when I was...
How can the McKenzie Method help with your pain? By Dr. Chelsea Walter
How can the McKenzie Method help with your pain? By the time I finished my last semester of classes in physical therapy school, I still had no idea how to help clients with low back pain....
8 Reasons YOU Should Do Pilates by Dr. Sarah Crawford
8 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD DO PILATES It’s often thought that Pilates is a female-dominated practice but in reality, many men participate as well, especially athletes. Used as a form of...
Physical therapist, physiotherapist, or physio? What’s the difference? By Dr. Chelsea Walter
They all refer to the same profession! If you’re reading this in the US, you’ve likely heard of physical therapy but it’s less likely that you’ve heard of physiotherapy. If you’re reading this...
Let’s Talk About the Core by Dr. Jessica Chavez-Kline
Let’s Talk About the Core You know, the core muscles in your body. Chances are if you’ve been involved in a fitness activity in the last few decades, you’ve heard someone talk about how important...
Postpartum Health – Why Moms Should Give Themselves Grace by Dr. Jessica Chavez-Kline
Postpartum Health Why Postpartum Moms Should Give Themselves Grace The hustle and bustle of preparing for a baby are glorious, especially when it’s your first child. The freedom of moving...
Why Does My Back Hurt Every Day?
Why Does My Back Hurt Every Day 1 out of every 2 people will experience low back pain at some point in their lives I work out every day, I lift (heavy) weights, I do one million crunches for my core...
Why pay cash?… An insight into physical therapy
Why pay cash for medical services? Insight into the physical therapy profession that can be applied to other professionals To put it simply, the practice of medicine is often handcuffed by insurance...