A few weeks ago a friend and longtime participant in my yoga classes called me after our daily virtual practice excited to share what came up for her during class. “Finally, all the things you’ve...
Physical Therapy
You Don’t Have to Live With Headaches by Dr. Sarah Crawford
To do so, first we must understand where headaches come from. Headaches happen to be one of the most frequent complaints we see in our office. Oftentimes, individuals come in with other complaints...
Setting the Scene: Why Health Care Needs a Respectful Culture by Dr. Chelsea Walter
Respect is a necessary component of any high-performing organization. It contributes to creating a healthy environment where patients are treated as individuals and members of health care teams are...
Core Stability Through the Breath by Emily Lowry, SPT
Core Stability Through the Breath A strong and stable core is an essential component of overall strength, function, and healing capacity. An optimal core, however, does not necessarily mean six pack...
What is TMD? By Dr. Samantha Dove
What is TMD? TMD stands for temporomandibular joint dysfunction (also known as TMJD). TMD is an all-encompassing term for any jaw-related dysfunction causing symptoms and/or affecting your quality...
Cervicogenic Headaches By Dr. Samantha Dove
Cervicogenic Headaches What is a cervicogenic headache? There are many types of headaches and figuring out which “category” you fit into as a headache sufferer can be confusing and frustrating. So,...
What Is Referred Pain? By Dr. Samantha Dove
What Is Referred Pain? Clarity on referred pain In general, referred pain is pain felt in one area of the body that is being referred from a different location and is not the true source of the...
Yoga vs. Yoga Therapy: What is the Difference? By Emily Robinson
As a long-time yoga teacher and yoga therapist, I’ve always valued the therapeutic benefits of yoga and firmly believe in the value of a consistent practice whether that be in a large group class at...
Strength Training for Better Posture By Dr. Samantha Dove
Why do we care about “better posture”? In physical therapy our goal is not to be constant posture analysts. Our goal is also not to achieve “perfect posture”. We want to help you achieve what is...
Why You Should See Your Physical Therapist First by Dr. Sarah Crawford
Why You Should See Your Physical Therapist First October is #NationalPhysicalTherapyMonth and the goal of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is to choose PT as well as advocate for...