As a long-time yoga teacher and yoga therapist, I’ve always valued the therapeutic benefits of yoga and firmly believe in the value of a consistent practice whether that be in a large group class at...
Physical Therapy
Strength Training for Better Posture By Dr. Samantha Dove
Why do we care about “better posture”? In physical therapy our goal is not to be constant posture analysts. Our goal is also not to achieve “perfect posture”. We want to help you achieve what is...
Why You Should See Your Physical Therapist First by Dr. Sarah Crawford
Why You Should See Your Physical Therapist First October is #NationalPhysicalTherapyMonth and the goal of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is to choose PT as well as advocate for...
How Improved Posture Leads to Reduced Shoulder Pain By Dr. Samantha Dove
How Improved Posture Leads to Reduced Shoulder Pain. What is the most common faulty upper body posture? We all recognize it, and probably can relate to some degree. It’s that slumped sitting,...
What to Avoid With Back Pain By Dr. Chelsea Walter
What to avoid with back pain. I cannot share this post without first saying that back pain is not always simple to treat and manage.Treatment of back pain is not one size fits all and each...
What Are Parafunctional Habits? By Dr. Samantha Dove
Parafunctional habits are uses of a body part outside of its intention. The term is mostly used regarding the mouth and oral habits. Examples of these habits include clenching, grinding, nail...
Pain Is Not Always A Bad Thing By Dr. Chelsea Walter
Pain is not always a bad thing. In its simplest state, pain is the body’s mechanism of telling when harm is possible. If it hurts, don’t do it, right? If only it were truly that simple. Pain can be...
Demystifying Dry Needling By Dr. Samantha Dove
Demystifying Dry Needling Why is dry needling so popular Are dry needling and acupuncture similar? What is dry needling? Can dry needling help me? Why is dry needling so popular? Dry needling is a...
Does a Weak Core Cause Back Pain? By Dr. Chelsea Walter
Does a weak core cause back pain? The core has been given a bad reputation over the last 2 decades as the cause of low back pain. I wouldn’t recommend doing this but if you google “how to fix back...
International Yoga Day By Christy Plaugher
International Yoga Day is June 21st, and I have to say I am really looking forward to it. I am not one to celebrate random holidays, so I have to admit I was a little skeptical of this celebration...