Science suggests that 75% of how we live is determined by our lifestyles and everyday choices.. Humans are obsessed with deaging, dieting, and more. Yet, for most, none of these stick. For the few...
Injured after Going Back to Summer Activities? by Dr. Dennis Mirosh
Many people don’t think about getting back in shape for the things they usually do in the summer and jump right back in. If these activities involve any quick and/or explosive movements that you are...
If You’re Losing Mobility In Your Feet, by Dr. Chelsea Walter
Do you have a foot-shaped shoe or shoe-shaped foot? Footwear was a great invention for humans long ago to protect our feet. But is modern-day footwear actually hindering how our feet function? Try...
Identifying Your Neck Pain & Fixing It, by Dr. Dennis Mirosh
Lately I have been seeing a lot of neck pain. A lot of it has been associated with stress and posture. Also repetitive movements over time can cause these issues with work or recreational...
Easing Into Summer Activities by Dr. Dennis Mirosh
Getting Back Into It For summer activities you want to first take care of any nagging pains that could impact your performance. Summer is the time for outdoor activities! But moving too quickly...
Optimizing Travel: How to feel well outside of your normal routine by Dr. Samantha Dove
Travel is exciting and often something to look forward to! However, for many it is anxiety-inducing as it results in a disruption of routine and often an exacerbation of physical pain. Education and...
3 Things I Wish I’d Known About Yoga! by Meredith Amann
A few weeks ago a friend and longtime participant in my yoga classes called me after our daily virtual practice excited to share what came up for her during class. “Finally, all the things you’ve...
You Don’t Have to Live With Headaches by Dr. Sarah Crawford
To do so, first we must understand where headaches come from. Headaches happen to be one of the most frequent complaints we see in our office. Oftentimes, individuals come in with other complaints...
Setting the Scene: Why Health Care Needs a Respectful Culture by Dr. Chelsea Walter
Respect is a necessary component of any high-performing organization. It contributes to creating a healthy environment where patients are treated as individuals and members of health care teams are...
Core Stability Through the Breath by Emily Lowry, SPT
Core Stability Through the Breath A strong and stable core is an essential component of overall strength, function, and healing capacity. An optimal core, however, does not necessarily mean six pack...