

Abby Thrasher

Abby Thrasher

Certified Health Coach

Abby Thrasher is originally from sunny San Diego, CA and recently relocated to Cincinnati, OH after living in the Bay Area (CA) for almost 30 years. She is a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach with a background in Occupational Therapy, Dance, Yoga and Massage Therapy. She received her BA in Psychology from UC Santa Cruz in 1999 and her MS in Occupational Therapy at San Jose State University in 2009. Her experience as an Occupational Therapist (OT) was primarily in acute and outpatient mental health settings, with a few years of physical rehab work, which both strongly complement her training as a Health Coach.

In between her degrees, she explored other professions including Elementary School Teaching and Massage Therapy and made time for two of her passions – Dance and Travel – dancing with 3 Bay Area companies and exploring other cultures and ways of living. She is working towards the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Associate Certified Coach credential (ACC), is very passionate about a root cause approach to holistic health and is thrilled to be joining the Anchor Wellness team!

Want to know more about Abby? See her interview below.



How did you get into your field?

I’ve always been passionate about holistic health and love supporting others on their wellness journey. After working as an OT for 12 years, primarily in Mental Health settings, I was craving a shift in my career path. When Health Coaching landed on my radar about 5 years ago, the possibility of heading down this road strongly piqued my interest. Through my research, I learned that Health coaching is a field that builds on the foundation of my OT skills and experience so in 2020, I decided to take the leap and it is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!

What is your training background and how long have you practicing/teaching?

I have a BA in Psychology and a MS in Occupational Therapy. I am an ADAPT Certified Functional Health Coach and completed my training through the Kresser Institute. Including the training and practicum for my program, I have been coaching for over 2 years.

Who influenced your career path (who have you enjoyed learning from, mentor, etc.)?

– Chris Kresser (Functional Medicine expert, educator, author): I started listening to Chris’ podcast – Revolution Health Radio – around 2015 and have since learned so much from him! So, when he started a Health Coaching program, I was inspired to pursue this new career path and play a role that I believe, is the missing link in our current health care system.

– Michelle Olson (Career/Purpose Coach, Founder of Green Light Coaching, Women’s group facilitator & friend): As my career coach and women’s group facilitator for 2 years, Michelle supported me during my postpartum struggles and influenced my decision to follow my dream of becoming a Health Coach.

– Dr. Aidan Kinsella (Network Spinal Analysis chiropractor, Founder of Verve Wellness & friend): As my NSA chiropractor and dear friend, Aidan was a supportive presence during my PPD journey and held space for me as I stepped into the unknown during my career shift from OT to Health Coaching.

– Mentor Coaches Amy Warshawsky, Betsy Salkind, Shelly-Anne McKay, Melissa Pylypchuk, and Wendy McLaughlin from Kresser Institute ADAPT Health Coaching program

What makes you love your field?

I love making a difference in people’s lives, inspiring them to step outside their comfort zones, helping them reconnect to what lights them up, and partnering with them to harness the courage to follow their dreams.


What kind of clients do you love working with?

I am passionate about working with any client who is motivated to optimize their health and happiness. 

Postpartum Moms hold a special place in my heart because of my own postpartum experience.

What sets you apart?

As a dancer, yogi, and former massage therapist, I bring an embodied perspective to my coaching and the process of change and transformation.

I believe in the healing power of community, specifically women’s groups.

What’s your mission?

My mission is to partner with motivated clients as they work toward their unique vision of health and wellness by offering 1:1 and group coaching sessions that provide a container for mindful listening, perceptive reflection, insightful inquiry, compassionate
accountability, and supportive community. 


What brings you joy?

Loved ones, dancing, nature, live music, yoga, healthy, delicious food, and helping those less fortunate than me. Oh, and organizing 😉

What do you do with your spare time?

Lindy Hop, yoga, dance parties with my 5-year-old daughter, hiking, cooking, volunteering, and exploring Cincy, my new home!

How do we follow you?